
Leica FS CB Motorized Forensic Comparison Microscope


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Leica FS CB Motorized Forensic Comparison Microscope w/ DM4000 B + 8x Objectives

This listing is for a Leica FS CB Motorized Forensic Comparison Microscope. This Microscope has been fully tested and works to manufacturers specifications.

The Leica DM4000B complements perfectly the micro comparison bridge. Its fully automatic light management, integrated Variolux color module, selected optics pairs and reproducible illumination ensure you the greatest possible comparison reliability. Contrast methods are available at the touch of a button, while the microscope parameters are automatically stored by the software. The results are thus reproducible at any time.

Testing Results:

Leica FS CB Motorized Forensic Comparison Microscope w/ Dual DM4000B Microscope Base
Leica Microscope Joystick Controller
Leica DFC295 Digital Microscope Camera w/ C-Mount 0.55x
2x Leica Microscope Objective N Plan 5x ∞/-/B 506302
2x Leica Microscope Objective N Plan 10x ∞/-/B 506259
2x Leica Microscope Objective N Plan 20x ∞/0.17/D 506096
2x Leica Microscope Objective N Plan 40x ∞/0.17/D 506097
2x Leica Microscope Eyepiece Pair HC Plan 10x/20 M 507802
2x Leica Rotatable mechanical stage with Specimen Holders
2x Leica Fully automatic condensers with auto-Köhler function
Leica Analyzer L ICT/P For DM Series Microscopes
2x Leica Lamp housing with Bulb
Leica LAS Application Suite Software V 3. 4. 1 (No License)
All Power and Connection Cables

Disclaimer: Unless otherwise stated the seller is not authorized by or associated with the original equipment manufacturer. This product has not been reviewed by the manufacturer to reverify its quality or compatibility with its other products.

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